What's the difference between a Project and a Folder?


Projects and Folders help you to organise your references in different ways.

Projects have been designed for users who may have many references, such as for systematic reviews. You can only share Projects with other RefWorks users and can't move references from one Project to another.

You create Folders within a Project (whether one you have created or the default one that is created when you set up your RefWorks account). They are useful for organising references via assignment or topic and you can have folders within folders (sub-folders). You can assign references to more than one Folder, unlike with Projects. You can share Folders with other users even those that don't have a RefWorks account. 

For most users Folders will be sufficient for organising your references but you may want explore Projects as well. See our guide for more information on Folders and Projects.

  • Last Updated 01 Aug, 2019
  • Views 637
  • Answered By Anna Richards

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