How do I write a good paragraph?
How do I structure a paragraph? How do I link to other paragraphs?
A good paragraph should contain and appropriate amount of description or commentary, along with sufficient evidence and evaluation.
We often talk about the "Three voices of a paragraph": the Tour guide voice (descriptive), the expert voice (your evidence) and the critical/philosopher's voice (your evaluation). The video below on Finding your Critical Voice can help with this.
Structuring a 2000 word essay contains a useful paragraph template that can help you to get started on your paragraph. Page 50 of the HEAT toolkit also contains a useful paragraph template.
If you are still having trouble, why not book a one-to-one tutorial.
Links & Files
- Structuring a 2000 word essay guide Opens in new window
- HEAT Toolkit Opens in new window
- Finding Your Critical Voice (Video) Opens in new window
- Assignment drop in Opens in new window
- Book a one-to-one tutorial Opens in new window
- What do we mean by criticality? (Video) Opens in new window
- Stepping up your criticality (video) Opens in new window
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