How do I write an essay?
I've never written an essay before, where do I start?
I just got back my grade for my first essay and I'm not happy with it. How can I improve my essay writing?
Essay writing is a process and a product. You need to focus on the process in order to achieve a high quality product.
What is an essay?
The word ‘essay’ originally meant ‘to test’ or ‘try out’. The academic essay, however, now has the more usual meaning of a short piece of analytical writing on a given subject.
The short video below may help you with writing your essay.
After the video, try the Test yourself activity to check your understanding.
The 2000 word essay structure template and the Essays, Reports and Presentations powerpoint can give you a starting point for your essay. The Focus on Essay Writing guide might also help you with the structure and planning of your essay.
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