What happens to my work when I submit it to Turnitin?


When your assignment is submitted in Turnitin, your assignment is checked for originality. Turnitin is a web-based tool that checks for originality and can be used to help detect if plagiarism has occurred due to it's text matching software.

Turnitin searches the current and archived internet, subscription services and papers submitted by other students against your assignment submission to identify any similarities between texts. An originality or similarity report is produced after it's checking to show any matches found to your submitted assignment, providing a total score of all matched found - similarity score (%). There is a full student Turnitin guide which include frequently asked questions. 

Please note Turnitin makes no judgement on your assignment, your lecturer will examine the originality report and check the matches found. All matches will show the percentage of match, it's source and where the match is found in your assignment. 

It's important to understand the role of Turnitin, you need to demonstrate good academic practice in your assignments and referencing is one of the key ways to demonstrate good academic practice.

Bad academic practice which includes intentionally copying someone's else's work (plagiarism) and passing if off as your own is considered an academic offence as outlined in our student regulations. Be in the know and take five minutes to check what is considered as academic offences.

Further help:

If you need support please check the full Turnitin user guide.


  • Last Updated 07 Aug, 2023
  • Views 1357
  • Answered By Sukhtinder Kaur

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