What support is there for proof reading assignment and report writing?
We are not able to proof read your assignment as DMU regulations state that proof reading is an essential part of writing an assignment, however here is some guidance you could follow:
Improving the accuracy of your writing may begin with understanding how to structure a sentence.
1) Sentence punctuation. Check out our Proof Reading for Grammar toolkit, in particular revise the sentence structure section.
3) See these pages for help with basic punctuation such as commas and full stops.
4) Occasionally the tense of the writing (present, future, past) can be causing errors.
If you feel you understand the fundamentals of grammar, it may be that typos or proofreading errors are causing inaccuracies. It can be very difficult to spot mistakes in your own work.
1) Learn more about the drafting process and consider a proof reading check list.
2) Visit the proof reading toolkit.
3) Consider using a 'Read Aloud' tool, to help you check your work.
4) Changing the font, colour or size of your text can help you to see it differently and find errors.
5) Consider submitting your work to Studiosity for a final check.
In addition, we can support you in learning how to improve your critical writing. Our CLaSS team, who supports students in all aspects of academic writing, runs online 1:1 tutorials.